Wednesday, November 11, 2009

World's Best Dad, My Baby Daddy!

I absolutely have to take a moment to brag on my husband. I've always known I was a lucky woman and that Jon is an amazing husband but my biased opinions of him were confirmed the other day at Jareth's three week ped visit. After we were done with the doctor I went to the front desk to schedule Jareth's next appointment. With Jareth being so tiny everyone wanted to take a look at him. (Plus he is just amazingly adorable of course) Two of the office assistants started asking me how I am doing, how the baby is sleeping, his birth stats, and etc. One of them asked how my husband was doing with having a baby. I said that Jon was really excited about having a son. I told them that he gives Jareth a bottle and changes him once per night most nights and changes him in the morning before leaving for work so that I can sleep. They couldn't believe it. One of the girls said "Now thats a good daddy!" and the other said her husband never did that. One woman said that even though both her and her husband worked full time she was always the one who got up with the baby. The other said that she took time off from work and since her husband worked long days she and the baby slept in the guest room for the first couple of months so her husband could sleep. I didn't go into the other things that Jon does. For example one night he came home from work, ate and played with the baby for three hours while I napped. Another night Jareth was choking on mucus and I had a meltdown, feeling helpless, and he completely took over for the night and once Jareth was asleep he consoled me. Jon even took an extra four days off from work after his five day paternity leave so that he could spend more time with us and help take care of Jareth while I was healing. I'm a stay at home mom now and Jon works full time but he wants to get up with the baby and let me sleep. I almost feel bad that he does so much. He is such a wonderful daddy and a great husband. I thank God everyday for allowing me to have Jon. I should totally get him a World's Best Dad mug!

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