Monday, November 23, 2009

Dropping the Baby Weight

During my pregnancy I gained almost 40 lbs taking me from 130 lbs to 170 lbs at my last prenatal appointment. I weighed five more lbs than my husband. Eeeeeek! After giving birth to my 7 lb 15 oz baby along with the placenta I was excited to weigh myself. However, three days later at Jareth's first ped appt I had only lost five lbs. What many women, including myself, don't realize is how much you swell post birth. The doctor said I was probably carrying around a good five pounds of pure fluid. I didn't swell much while I was pregnant, just my feet sometimes if I had been on them too long. But after Jareth was born my feet, calves, hands, and face all swelled. I could feel my feet jiggle when I walked. It was strange to say the least. Finally about two weeks after giving birth the swelling was completely gone and I weighed myself again. In twelve days I had lost 16 pounds! I was super excited. I weighed less than Jon again! Since then I have lost six more pounds. Twenty-two pounds in five weeks isn't bad. Breastfeeding must be doing it for me. I haven't done much to lose the weight yet other than a few walks and trying to stay away from sweets. After my six week check-up my Ob will clear me for excercise and then it will be on! I plan to do some form of excercise each day. I have an elliptical and some free weights so I will be able to do a lot at home. To mix it up I will take Jareth to the park and walk. I hope to lose twenty more pounds and tighten up my tummy over the next four months. I think thats a pretty reasonable goal. I just hope the holidays don't set me back!

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