My little monkey is so sick right now. I've never seen him so puny. On Saturday he woke up a little grumpy but he was more or less fine. We went to the park, where he played happily, and afterward went for some icecream. It was there that a switch flipped inside him. He wanted nothing to do with icecream and whined and pouted until we left. I assumed he was just sleepy as his eyes glazed over in the back seat and he slid down into car seat limply. Once we got home we realized how hot his head and trunk were. His temperature was 103.5 and his breathing seemed labored. A dose of tylenol and a call to his ped nurse later, he was given a lukewarm bath and lots of fluids and put to bed. His temp got up to 104.5 even with the tylenol and around 10:00pm he vomitted. We went to emergency care hours at his ped office on Sunday. He was miserable. All he wanted to do was sleep on his daddy's chest in the exam room and he lost it several times. I didn't think he was ever going to recover from his finger prick. They also did a strep test which, thankfully, came out negative. However, the doctor said he may have
Roseola . I know, it sounds primitive and I wasn't sure what it was exactly. And she said that we won't know if that is what it is until he breaks out in a rash all over his body. Great. Since Saturday, his temperature hasn't been below 101.0. He has had a few moments of play but he mostly just lays against me. The doctor seemed to think whatever it is should only last 3-4 days so I'm hoping that by Friday he will be back to 100%. We leave for Oahu Saturday morning. eeeeeek!
Here he is at the doctor. It is so out of character for him to be so clingy. |
Here he is now, beside me. |
Poor baby. Praying for him! And mommy of course.