Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

So, I've mentioned before that Jareth is completely obsessed with baseball thanks to the movie, " The Sandlot." Every day we play catch and work with him on hitting the ball. There have been many a morning in which the first words he utters is , "mommy, play baseball?" He even wants a baseball birthday party this year. Being so close to Minneapolis we decided we should go to a Twins game. We kind of waited until last minute but were able to catch the last game of the season.000+50102 (Those numbers would be Laney's contribution to this post) This game also just happened to fall on Kids Appreciation Day so Jareth got to get on the field and run the bases! The word "excited" doesn't even begin to describe his expression that day. He was pretty upset that he couldn't go play with the players and we came very close to a major meltdown. Fruit snacks helped and when the fruit snacks failed, there were mini dough nuts.
Target Field was really nice. It is a super clean stadium and it is 100% smoke free. The food was what you would expect at a ball park but I believe I found the best deal in the stadium. I found a kids meal for $5.25 which consisted of a regular hotdog, chips, and small soda. Pretty good for a baseball game if you ask me! Also, since it was the end of the season all the souviniers were on sale so I was able to scoop up a helmet for Jareth for just $12. Sweet! We had such a great time. We are officially Twins fans now but don't worry Braves, your'e still #1 in our hearts.



Our future Big Leaguer!

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