Tuesday, March 30, 2010

If I Had a Million Dollars

Who hasn't fantasized about what they would do with $100,000,000? I know I have many times. But over the years my ideas of what I would do with that money have drastically changed. I used to imagine a beachfront mansion, designer clothes, and lambos before I knew or understood how much a million is really worth. Now I imagine a five bedroom, four bath, Colonial home with a wrap around porch surrounded by a couple of acres backed up to the woods. I envision a Saturday sitting on the porch swing with Jack under my feet, Jareth playing in the dirt with one of his cousins or godbrother, and Jon snoring in a rocking chair. Security, safety, and stress free. Not too far from the city but a retreat for Jon and a sanctuary for me. Wide open space for July 4th bbqs and just enough room for overnight guests. Simple and beautiful. So if anyone would like to hand over the cash I have it all planned out ; )

1 comment:

  1. hey, in our depressed economy, you probably could get a foreclosed beachfront and a used lambo! Don't give up on the dream! ;)
