Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Merry Christmas baby boy
The weekend before Christmas we went to Alabama to visit nana and popaw, Jareth's great grandparents. Everyone was there but one. Aunt Lynne passed away just before Thanksgiving and it was hard not to have her with us. She had gotten Jareth one of those farm sounds toys. I'm glad he has something from her.
We had a great weekend! The food was amazing as always. There was Turkey and dressing, nana's giblet gravy, dana's deviled eggs, mom made sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese. Jareth enjoyed the sweet potatoes most along with the mac and cheese. After dinner we opened gifts. The river of presents seemed never ending. Jareth is one spoiled little boy! I don't know what in the world I'm going to do with all these toys! If we weren't planning to sell the house I would turn one of the rooms into a massive play room. After gifts were done Jareth and Evan played in the new Toy Story ball pit that Evan got. They were so funny in it! And boy, did they play rough! We had a really good time. The weekend ended with Jon's and my trip to Nashville to see Garth Brooks. GREAT weekend.
Fast forward a week to Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve and Day in Athens at Jon's parents house. I ended up cooking Christmas dinner. It was good practice. I have a feeling it will fall into my hands from here on out unless we want take out. We had glazed ham, corn casserole, squash casserole, green beans, smashed potatoes a la Liz, and rolls. For dessert I made a yummy crock pot cake. Jareth loved the corn casserole! Then it was time for gifts. Jareth got legos, a bear and embroidered blanket, some light up Pumas!, coloring books, and blue jean diapers. : ) He spent most of his time playing in his toy box but he did help open his presents. The next morning we woke up to a white Christmas! It was beautiful and of course after breakfast we took Jareth outside. Then we went to the Walker family brunch. We celebrated Danyell's birthday and ate, again. They are a really fun bunch to be around. They are basically family to me. It was nice to spend a little bit of Christmas with them.
To sum it up we had a wonderful holiday. Jareth had a Christmas that I for one will never forget.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Re-Post from Pregnancy Blog
Something Sweet
Jareth has been very active the past couple of days and yesterday the sweetest thing happened. He rolled in my stomach putting his entire back out front and pushed so hard that I could feel him top to bottom. Using my fingers I traced up and down his back and gently rubbed him. He stayed there for about a minute and then rolled away. his back seemed to be about the size of my hand. :O)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Hello Russia!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Have I said lately...
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Memorable Thanksgiving
The holidays can be a happy time and also rough time for families. We mourn the loss of loved ones and wish they could be with us. But this too brings us a chance to remember the good times we shared with them. This honors them more than anything. This Thanksgiving I am most thankful for the memories I have of holidays with my family and also the memories yet to be made.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Enjoy each moment.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Jareth's Big First Down!

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Jareth's Birthday
Monday, October 18, 2010
We Made It!
Tomorrow Jareth Grae will be a year old. I sit here, watching him play and I go back to the instant I found out he was coming. Sitting with Jon in the little green room of my doctor's office anxiously waiting to talk with Dr. Walker about fertility treatments. I was scared that I would never carry a child, that I would never experience motherhood. Then, the impossible happened. When we were called back we were told that my urine test came back positive for pregnancy. Shock and awe, we were in disbelief. An ultrasound confirmed we were 5weeks and 5days pregnant.
The next two months were torture. But soon the first trimester passed and each day I felt a little less anxiety. And then the day came when I looked into the mirror and really noticed the new shape my stomach was taking. There was a soft curve to my abdomen and I was overjoyed. I was given a new hat to wear that day, mother.
Fast Forward to October 19th, 2009 at 5:00am. We called the hospital to make sure we could come in for my induction. The nurse says, "yes" and we realize that today we will become a family of three. My family is there and Jon's is too. We wait patiently until the nurse says it's time. Everyone is rushed out and into the waiting room and I begin to push.
I remember growing up wondering what my children would look like.Would they take on my dad's side of the family and have sandy blonde hair with blue eyes? Would they be tall like my mother's side with brown eyes? Would they look like my husband or would they look like me? I have to admit I always fantasized about blonde hair, freckles, and big blue eyes for my kids.
At 3:15pm, Jareth emerged and those daydreams became reality. My child has wispy hair like my grandfathers. It's blonde like mine and my husband's but with a little bit of strawberry in the sunshine. That comes from his great-grandmother. His eyes remind me of his father's and so do his lips. When he yawns it reminds us of Jon's mother. He has my chin, which came from my grandmother and a soft face like mine, my cheeks for now. And yet he is all his own. We can't decide where he got his nose and most of his expressions belong to him. He is perfection. From his fat big toe to his long lashes, he is the most beautiful child I have ever seen.
Just a blink or two later, it's been a year since I have held him in my arms for the first time. I have nursed him, fed him, and played with him. I've rocked him to sleep, washed his hair and between his toes. I've taught him where to find his nose and that dog ears aren't for pulling. I have sang to him and danced with him all over this house. I've picked him up when he's fallen and ran to his rescue during the night. I've told him, "No" a thousand times and a thousand more said, "I love you."
When you are pregnant with your first child it's hard to fathom that one day you will be reminiscing about the first time you got to bathe them or the first time they ate solid food. Maybe most of all, the first time they utter, "momma" and you know they mean you. But here I am all nostalgic so soon over his newborn photos and the little outfits he has outgrown. Tears fill my eyes when I think that I will never get that back, not with him. It's a beautiful and bittersweet part of motherhood. Oh, how amazing life is.
So finally, it's been a year. We made it! And little boy, you are the best gift I've ever had. A child's birthday is an anniversary shared between him and his mother. Happy Anniversary Jareth Grae! Here's to many more.
Monday, October 4, 2010
1st year pictures

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Teeth! and more
Jareth is also starting to talk a little more. He now says "Stop" which is more like "Dop" and he is trying to say "Hello" which sounds like "Yeh-yo." He will pick up a cell phone, put it up to his ear, and say "Yeh-yo!" Its pretty darn cute.
In other news the house has been on the market for about a month now and we have had a grand total of one viewing. We aren't in a hurry but would like to see more people come through. We are very excited about moving back to Athens.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It's All About the Baby!
Friday, August 13, 2010
What is a Temper Tantrum?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Day in the Life of a SAHM
Jareth gets up with a big smile and an excited "pick me up" wave of his arms
After a diaper, outfit change, and a bottle I feed Jareth some fruit/yogurt/cereal
I put on some music, put in a load of laundry, straighten up the kitchen, and if needed clean the bathroom, dust, or change the sheets
Then I eat breakfast while Jareth plays in the floor
I get in the floor too.
Another diaper change, a snack of cheerios or arrowroot cookies, and some juice in a sippy cup
I vacuum, fold and put away clothes, and make my bed while Jareth plays in his excersaucer
We run any errands that need to be ran and come home for lunch with daddy
After lunch is naptime
While Jareth sleeps I work out and work on Thirty-One
After nap its another diaper change, another bottle, and more play time with me on the floor in his room
After a walk to the mailbox and sitting on our little porch for a few minutes, we go inside to start on dinner
While I cook Jareth crawls around the livingroom and plays with his "upstairs" toys
Then daddy comes home and scoops Jareth up in his arms and they have daddy-son time
Jareth eats, we eat, daddy helps with the dishes, and we all get in the floor to play
The TV comes on, the computer is pulled out, and we "veg"
Around 8:30 its Jareth's bedtime
Then it is mommy-daddy time
Sure beats working in an office or some retail job!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Dada is in the Dog House
A week ago Jon set Jareth down in the livingroom and went to get a drink from the kitchen. He neglected to put the babygate up so Jareth decided to follow him.However instead of following him into the kitchen, he decided to check out the stairs. I heard a thump, thump, cry!!! Little man was laying on his back on the tile of our foyer. We both raced down to him and I picked him up. We took him to our bed, stripped off all of his clothing, and looked over every inch of his body. After a few minutes he went back to playing. We didn't think he had been hurt but kept him up for a while before bed worried about a head injury. He slept alright and he slept with us but he was a little fussy in the middle of the night. The next morning he woke up happy and we started our feeding routine. Afterward I put him in his exersaucer to play and he stayed there for about 30 minutes. Then I put him in the floor and that's when it happened. He tried to crawl and bless his heart he face planted. He couldn't put any weight on his left arm. I tried to get him to play pat a cake and he tried but couldn't. One phone call to his pediatrition, one trip to Children's Hospital ER, and one trip to an orthodic surgen later he has a bright orange, and thankfully water proof, cast. It really hasn't slowed him down. He can crawl with it, play pat a cake, eat, hold a bottle, and anything else he wants to do. Right now he is bangin a drum. (The cast makes lots of noise!) As for daddy being in the dog house, he feels awful and I try not to give him a hard time about it.
Pour Some Sugar On Me Baby!

My little man gives the best kisses!!! He has finally figured out how to kiss back. Well, he has his own ways of doing it. I can say "Can I have a kiss?" And he leans in, open mouthed of course, and gives me a wet one right on the lips. It's precious, just precious. And sometimes I don't even have to ask for one. He just leans in on his own. He makes me want like 4 more just like him. Children are fantastic. I highly recommend them. : )
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Change in Character; My New Cuddler
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Another baby in Andersonland?
Another baby would be wonderful but we really want to spend more time with Jareth before having to focus on another child. Tobe honest I don't think we will have another one for several years. We are very happy right now and don't feel like anything or anyone is missing. We think we will wait until Jareth is 2 1/2 or 3 to start trying for another baby. But we will just have to wait and see. Right now we are having a blast!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
"Da-da" and "Mom-ma"; What a sweet sound!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Jareth Crawls!
Family consists of those people who are supportive, nurturing and accepting of you. Family is made up of the people that you go to when you have a problem and who will always help you. Family is compised of the people that you would support no matter what is happening in your life.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The business of parenting; what I have learned thus far.
True parenting requires each of these and much, much more. Your child should be your number one priority. That isn't to say you shouldn't take care of yourself too, for in doing so you also take care of your child. And that isn't to say that the needs of your spouse should be put aside, for that would do your child no good. What I mean to say is that children are in the greatest need of care at any moment. Their aches and pains, misgivings, boredoms, and tantrums are unscheduled and require the utmost attention and in a reasonable amount of time. Their schedule for learning is well, quite disorganized. You must be able to put everything aside at the drop of a hat when you become a parent. This makes your child your number one priority. It is not a job for the uptight, the rigid, or the self pleasing.
This is what I have learned about parenting over the past 8 months.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cough, Cough, Sniff, Sniff
Friday, May 14, 2010
Our Family Vacation
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Six Months Old!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Where do we belong?
So what do we do? There are many other things to consider but the main things are Family, Church, and Work. Possibly in that order.
We have decided however that regardless of where we are we want out of our mortgage. We have enjoyed our first home but we have found that owning is highly overrated. At least for now. We do well. We pay all of our bills on time and have minimal debt. Each paycheck puts a little money into savings and we always have a little extra spending money left over. But since I am staying home for the next few years we know it will be increasingly harder for us to go on the vacations we want, enjoy nice cars, and buy the things we want. So we have decided the best thing for us is to rent until I am working again and we can buy/build the house we want. Athens would be more affordable to do this. There are more affordable options there. But I think as long as we can forego some luxuries we can make it work in Knoxville too.
Sooooo much to think about! It really should be easier than this. Lord, tell us what to do! I think I need to put it in His hands or we will never make a decision. I can't think anymore. : )
My Big Boy!
Jareth is almost 6 months old and it shows! He is getting so big. And he is doing so much now. He rolls back and forth, reaches and grasps his toys, "talks" all the time, is trying to sit up, can put his weight on his legs, holds his own bottle, and oh so much more. He loves eating his baby food and loves trying to drink from a cup. Best of all, he has such a good temperment. He is always happy and wears the biggest gummy grin. Everyone just adores him. We are so blessed!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
An Awesome Thursday
It was a very nice and successful day for being a Thursday. Life is golden!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
If I Had a Million Dollars
Monday, March 22, 2010
Big Fat Negative
On the way home I thought about her question. Jon and I of course weren't trying for another baby and if given the choice we would wait a few years but I don't think I would be sad if the test were positive. I remembered what it felt like when I saw my first positive pregnancy test. I was ecstatic. Then we lost that baby and I was beside myself with saddness. The second time I had a positive test was with Jareth and I was riddled with anxiety, afraid we would lose him. So, no I wouldn't cry if I had a positive result. I would be happy, nervous, but happy.
When I got home I found Jon snuggled up in the bed with Jareth taking a nap thus confirming my decision. I woke up Jon and let him know that I was about to take the test. He made me promise not to look at the result without him. Three minutes later it was negative.
That same day I made an appointment with my drs office to get back on birth control. Although a new baby would have been welcomed, I wasn't exactly ready to be pregnant again. As far as birth control goes, we have decided to do the Mirena IUD. It lasts for five years. That gives us plenty of time to prepare for another baby and give Jareth all the attention we want. And if we decide to have a baby sooner it can easily be removed. So, we remain a family of three for now....and for several years to come. Besides I don't think Jack could handle another baby right now. : )
Friday, February 26, 2010
Update on Everything!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My Jeans Search
Friday, January 22, 2010
Mr. Manning
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Three Months and Amazed
Three months down and a thousand to go!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
What I Couldn't Live Without
1. The Boppy: It not only gives my arms a rest from holding Jareth while I nurse him but it came in handy when he had a viral infection and was spitting up mucus. He was able to sleep in bed with us, elevated on the boppy without fear of us rolling onto him. We also used it for tummy time so that he wouldn't face-plant the floor when he got tired of holding his head up.
2. The Nipple Shield: I desperately wanted to nurse Jareth but the first few days were a little rough. It took a little while for him to learn how to latch properly and before he did I became quite blistered.
3. Recieving Blankets: Jareth loves to be swaddled up and oftentimes he has trouble falling asleep with out it. I think there would have been many sleepless nights without them.
4. Basinette: There is no way I would have let Jareth sleep in his crib away from us for the first three months. My sister let us use her basinette. It comes right up to the bed and I can easily see the baby and reach into it to help him with his pacifier or blanket.
5. Pacifiers: I had said I wouldn't use them but the first day Jareth was home he was inconsolable and I gave in. Sometimes babies just need to suck even when they aren't hungry.
6. Light-up Toys: Great for distraction, toys that play music and light up have become very useful.
7. Chocolate: Okay, this one is for mommy. When Jareth just can't seem to be satisfied mommy eats a piece of chocolate. It makes me feel better at least. ; )