Friday, July 27, 2012


My sweet babies are growing like weeds! Jareth will be three in just three short months and Laney is now four months old. They are getting bigger, stronger, and smarter everyday.
Jareth is finally speaking (mostly) in complete sentences and on a good day can count to 15. Recently, Jon introduced him to the movie, Sandlot, and now he has a little obsession with baseball. Yesterday I got him a real baseball and that's all he has been talking about today. I need to find him a glove but gloves for two and a half year olds aren't easy to find. He has also hit a couple of developmental milestones. He can put 35 piece puzzles together easily, he has been caught playing make-believe with batman and spiderman, and he understands the concept of counting. Another concept he has learned is that daddy comes home from work for lunch and then has to go back. He's not a big fan of that. Jon has to wear a badge to work on a lanyard and as soon as he puts that on, Jareth has a mini meltdown. But we are working through it.
Laney is getting so big! She now weighs 13lbs and is 25 1/2 inches long. She is in the 37% for her weight and 83% for her height. She loves being in the excersaucer along with the bouncer. She can stand really well with a little support and prefers standing to sitting or lying down. She also likes to reach out and grab our noses, or in my case, my hair. Also, she is loving rice cereal and sweet potatoes!
Jon and I are doing great also. He is doing an amazing job in class and we are still enjoying our time here. Family time is plentiful and fruitful and we are blessed.

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