Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Three Months and Amazed

My little cricket has turned three months old today. I can't believe that at this very time three months ago I was waiting for the doctor to break my water and begin the labor process. I have found motherhood to be the most amazing experience I have ever had. Watching him grow is wonderful. He changes so much with each passing week and each tiny milestone absolutely facinates me. I never knew I would be so giddy about seeing my child discover his feet or hold his paci. I had no idea that my heart would explode with his gummy grins or that I would tear up just because he tangled his fingers in my hair while falling asleep on my shoulder. And its only been three months. He can't sit up on his own, crawl, talk, or much less walk and I'm already amazed by him. What's funny is that this is one of the most natural things there is. The birth and growth of a child is a natural process that occurs worldwide. It's hard to believe that Jareth isn't a phenomenon; I sure treat him like one!
Three months down and a thousand to go!

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